Global CT Analyst
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Submission Requirements and Information
Writing Guidelines- The Global CT Analyst
The Global CT Analyst welcomes submissions of Articles, Essays, Case Studies, Opinion Editorials and Book Reviews. The Global CT Analyst requests that contributors comply with the following standards:
Current cutting and relevant case studies in the realms of defence, HLS, counter terrorism and fintech.
Electronic Submission- all contributions should be sent in electronic format to:
Length Limitations
Case Studies
Minimum 600 words.
No political orientation and/or analysis.
Book Reviews
Minimum 750 words.
Reviews should focus on new book publications published after January 2021.
Opinion Editorials
Minimum 800 words.
Op-eds will only be considered by c-suite executives and opinion leaders in their respective fields.
Articles and Essays
Minimum 1200 words.
Articles and essays should emphasize current developments.
Style Guide
Publications should be in line with the Harvard APA 6 Style Guide.
Information or Submissions can be sent to submissions@globalctinstitutelms.org